Latest Publications
112 (1), 022, pp. 11 - 27 (2025)
Demographic history and genetic variation of the Armenian population. The American Journal of Human Genetics
4 (1), pgae566 (2025)
High-resolution isotopic data link settlement complexification to infant diets within the Roman Empire. PNAS Nexus
17 (1), 31 (2025)
Manufacturing and decorating cardial pottery: shell tools at the Neolithic site of Cabecicos Negros (Vera, Almeria, Spain). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
4 (1), 2898, pp. 77 - 109 (2024)
Alcaparros: un asentamiento con monumentalidad temprana durante el Holoceno medio en los Andes orientales de Colombia. Arqueología Y Patrimonio