Andrew Daniel Gillreath-Brown

Research Associate

Main Focus

Andrew Gillreath-Brown is a PhD candidate at Washington State University. He is a computational archaeologist interested in how individuals and groups respond to both large scale processes such as climate change and local processes such as violence and wealth inequality. His PhD research focuses on paleoclimate modeling, which he uses to understand how climate change and other processes stimulated migration, contributed to the precarity of people arriving to new locations, affected crop production, and ultimately resulted in social instability, inequality, and depopulation of portions of the southwestern United States. He also conducts research on tattoo archaeology and ancient music. Currently, he is working on the ArchaeoGLOBE: Island Extinctions Project. The project is focused on examining the impact of human arrivals on island fauna communities at different times and under different modes of production.

Curriculum Vitae

Andrew received his BS in Anthropology and Archaeology from Middle Tennessee State University (TN, USA) in 2011, where he gained a lot of experience in zooarchaeology and completed a Senior Thesis titled “An Exploration of Turtle Shell Rattle Manufacture in the Mississippian Period.” He completed a MS in Applied Geography with a focus in Environmental Archaeology from University of North Texas in 2016. His MS thesis, “Looking Outward from the Village: The Contingencies of Soil Moisture on the Prehistoric Farmed Landscape near Goodman Point Pueblo,” focused on developing a new static geospatial soil moisture model to determine potential prehistoric farming locations and to understand the farmer to agricultural field relationship, and how that relationship may have changed over time. He has done archaeological fieldwork throughout the United States and in Israel. He also attended the Complex Systems Summer School in 2019 at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico, USA.



Shaw, Jack O., Emily Coco, Kate Wootton, Dries Daems, Andrew Gillreath-Brown, Anshuman Swain, and Jennifer A. Dunne. 2021. Disentangling Ecological and Taphonomic Signals in Ancient Food Webs. Paleobiology 47(3):385–401.

Gillreath-Brown, Andrew. 2019. Creation to Rhythm: An Ethnographic and Archaeological Survey of Turtle Shell Rattles and Spirituality in the United States. Journal of Ethnobiology 39(3):425–444.

Gillreath-Brown, Andrew, Lisa Nagaoka, and Steve Wolverton. 2019. A Geospatial Method for Estimating Soil Moisture Variability in Prehistoric Agricultural Landscapes. PLOS ONE 14(8):e0220457.

Gillreath-Brown, Andrew, Aaron Deter-Wolf, Karen R. Adams, Valerie Lynch-Holm, Samantha Fulgham, Shannon Tushingham, William D. Lipe, and R. G. Matson. 2019. Redefining the Age of Tattooing in Western North America: A 2,000-year-old Artifact from Utah. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24:1064–1075.

Gillreath-Brown, Andrew, and Aaron Deter-Wolf. 2019. Modeling Archaic Settlement Patterns and Ecology in the Middle Cumberland River Valley of Tennessee. In The Cumberland River Archaic of Middle Tennessee, edited by Tanya M. Peres and Aaron Deter-Wolf, pp. 145–166. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. 264 pp.

Gillreath-Brown, Andrew, Jeongki Lim, Harun Siljak. 2019. Simulating Dystopian Worlds: A Sci-Fi Agent-based Modeling Anthology. 2019 Complex Systems Summer School Proceedings. Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM.

Kohler, Timothy A., Phillip I. Buckland, Keith W. Kintigh, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Adam Brin, Andrew Gillreath-Brown, Bertram Ludäscher, Timothy M. McPhillips, Rachel Opitz, and Jeffrey Terstriep. 2018. Paleodata for and from Archaeology. Past Global Changes Magazine 26(2):68–69.

Damitio, William J., Andrew Gillreath-Brown, and Shannon Tushingham. 2018. Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Spatial Database to Enhance Potential of Legacy Collections at the Washington State University Museum of Anthropology. Journal of Northwest Anthropology 52(2):183–199.

Gillreath-Brown, Andrew, and Tanya M. Peres. 2018. An Experimental Study of Turtle Shell Rattle Production and the Implications for Archaeofaunal Assemblages. PLOS ONE 13(8):e0201472.

Gillreath-Brown, Andrew, and Tanya M. Peres. 2017. Identifying Turtle Shell Rattles in the Archaeological Record of the Southeastern United States. Ethnobiology Letters 8(1):109–114.

Gillreath-Brown, Andrew, and R. Kyle Bocinsky. 2017. A Dialogue between Empirical and Model-based Agricultural Studies in Archaeology. Journal of Ethnobiology 37(2):167–171.

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