
Zeitschriftenartikel (60)

Bayarsaikhan, J.; Turbat, T.; Bayandelger, C.; Tuvshinjargal, T.; Wang, J.; Chechushkov, I.; Uetsuki, M.; Isahaya, N.; Hudson, M.; Shiraishi, N. et al.; Li, Y.; Zhang, C.; Eregzen, G.; Caspari, G.; López-Calle, P.; Conver, J. L.; Tressières, G.; Chauvey, L.; Birgel, J.; Erdene-Ochir, N.-O.; Bemmann, J.; Hodgins, G.; Richter, K. K.; Orlando, L.; Warinner, C.; Taylor, W. T. T.: The origins of saddles and riding technology in East Asia: discoveries from the Mongolian Altai. Antiquity 98 (397), 172, S. 102 - 118 (2024)
Hudson, M.; Muñoz Fernández, I. M.: Bronze Fish: marine resources and the Bronze Age economy. Old world: journal of ancient Africa and Eurasia 3 (1), 20230006 (2023)
Dal Martello, R.; von Baeyer, M.; Hudson, M.; Bjorn, R.; Leipe, C.; Zach, B.; Mir Makhamad, B.; Billings, T.; Muñoz Fernández, I. M.; Huber, B. et al.; Boxleitner, K.; Lu, J.-C.; Chi, K.-A.; Liu, H.-L.; Kistler, L.; Spengler III, R. N.: The domestication and dispersal of large-fruiting Prunus spp.: a metadata analysis of archaeobotanical material. Agronomy 13 (4), 1027 (2023)
Loosdrecht, M. S. v. d.; Mannino, M. A.; Talamo, S.; Villalba-Mouco, V.; Posth, C.; Aron, F.; Brandt, G.; Burri, M.; Freund, C.; Radzeviciute, R. et al.; Stahl, R.; Wissgott, A.; Klausnitzer, L.; Nagel, S.; Meyer, M.; Tagliacozzo, A.; Piperno, M.; Tusa, S.; Collina, C.; Schimmenti, V.; Salvo, R. D.; Prüfer, K.; Hublin, J.-J.; Schiffels, S.; Jeong, C.; Haak, W.; Krause, J.: Genomic and dietary transitions during the Mesolithic and Early Neolithic in Sicily. iScience 25 (5), 104244 (2022)
Oskolskaya, S.; Koile, E.; Robbeets, M.: A Bayesian approach to the classification of Tungusic languages. Diachronica 39 (1), 20010.osk, S. 128 - 158 (2022)
Robbeets, M.; Bouckaert, R.; Conte, M.; Savelyev, A.; Li, T.; An, D.-I.; Shinoda, K.-i.; Cui, Y.; Kawashima, T.; Kim, G. et al.; Uchiyama, J.; Dolinska, J.; Oskolskaya, S.; Yamano, K.-Y.; Seguchi, N.; Tomita, H.; Takamiya, H.; Kanzawa-Kiriyama, H.; Oota, H.; Ishida, H.; Kimura, R.; Sato, T.; Kim, J.-H.; Bjorn, R.; Deng, B.; Rhee, S.; Ahn, K.-D.; Gruntov, I.; Mazo, O.; Bentley, J.; Fernandes, R.; Roberts, P.; Bausch, I.; Gilaizeau, L.; Yoneda, M.; Kugai, M.; Bianco, R. A.; Zhang, F.; Himmel, M.; Hudson, M.; Ning, C.: Triangulation supports agricultural spread of the Transeurasian languages. Nature 599 (7886), s41586-021-04108-8, S. 616 - 621 (2021)
Ning, C.; Zhang, F.; Cao, Y.; Qin, L.; Hudson, M.; Gao, S.; Ma, P.; Li, W.; Zhu, S.; Li, C. et al.; Li, T.; Xu, Y.; Li, C.; Robbeets, M.; Zhang, H.; Cui, Y.: Ancient genome analyses shed light on kinship organization and mating practice of Late Neolithic society in China. iScience, 103352 (2021)
Zhang, F.; Ning, C.; Scott, A.; Fu, Q.; Bjorn, R.; Li, W.; Wei, D.; Wang, W.; Fan, L.; Abuduresule, I. et al.; Hu, X.; Ruan, Q.; Niyazi, A.; Dong, G.; Cao, P.; Liu, F.; Dai, Q.; Feng, X.; Yang, R.; Tang, Z.; Ma, P.; Li, C.; Gao, S.; Xu, Y.; Wu, S.; Wen, S.; Zhu, H.; Zhou, H.; Robbeets, M.; Kumar, V.; Krause, J.; Warinner, C. G.; Jeong, C.; Cui, Y.: The genomic origins of the Bronze Age Tarim Basin mummies. Nature 599 (7884), s41586-021-04052-7, S. 256 - 261 (2021)
Bjorn, R.: The lexicon of an Old European Afro-Asiatic language: evidence from early loanwords in Proto-Indo-European. Historische Sprachforschung 135 (1), 135.1.3, S. 3 - 42 (2021)
Wu, X.; Ning, C.; Key, F. M.; Andrades Valtueña, A.; Lankapalli, A. K.; Gao, S.; Yang, X.; Zhang, F.; Liu, L.; Nie, Z. et al.; Ma, J.; Krause, J.; Herbig, A.; Cui, Y.: A 3,000-year-old, basal S. enterica lineage from Bronze Age Xinjiang suggests spread along the Proto-Silk Road. PLoS Pathogens 17 (9), 1009886, S. 1 - 19 (2021)
Zhao, Z.; Ning, C.; Chen, L.; Zhao, Y.; Yang, G.; Wang, C.; Chen, N.; Zhang, Z.; Li, S.: Impacts of manufacture processes and geographical regions on the microbial profile of traditional Chinese cheeses. Food Research International 148, 110600, S. 1 - 9 (2021)
Ning, C.; Zheng, H.-X.; Zhang, F.; Wu, S.; Li, C.; Zhao, Y.; Xu, Y.; Wei, D.; Wu, Y.; Gao, S. et al.; Jin, L.; Cui, Y.: Ancient mitochondrial genomes reveal extensive genetic influence of the steppe pastoralists in Western Xinjiang. Frontiers in Genetics 12, 740167 (2021)
White, J. A.; Burgess, G. H.; Nakatsukasa, M.; Hudson, M.; Pouncett, J.; Kusaka, S.; Yoneda, M.; Yamada, Y.; Schulting, R. J.: 3000-year-old shark attack victim from Tsukumo shell-mound, Okayama, Japan. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 38, 103065, S. 1 - 12 (2021)
Hudson, M.; Bausch, I. R.; Robbeets, M.; Li, T.; White, J. A.; Gilaizeau, L.: Bronze Age globalisation and Eurasian impacts on later Jōmon social change. Journal of World Prehistory 34, s10963-021-09156-6, S. 121 - 158 (2021)
Gnecchi-Ruscone, G. A.; Khussainova, E.; Kahbatkyzy, N.; Musralina, L.; Spyrou, M. A.; Bianco, R. A.; Radzeviciute, R.; Martins, N. F. G.; Freund, C.; Iksan, O. et al.; Garshin, A.; Zhaniyazov, Z.; Bekmanov, B.; Kitov, E.; Samashev, Z.; Beisenov, A.; Berezina, N.; Berezin, Y.; Bíró, A. Z.; Évinger, S.; Bissembaev, A.; Akhatov, G.; Mamedov, A.; Onggaruly, A.; Voyakin, D.; Chotbayev, A.; Kariyev, Y.; Buzhilova, A.; Djansugurova, L.; Jeong, C.; Krause, J.: Ancient genomic time transect from the Central Asian Steppe unravels the history of the Scythians. Science Advances 7 (13), eabe4414 (2021)
Wang, C.-C.; Yeh, H.-Y.; Popov, A. N.; Zhang, H.-Q.; Matsumura, H.; Sirak, K.; Cheronet, O.; Kovalev, A.; Rohland, N.; Kim, A. M. et al.; Mallick, S.; Bernardos, R.; Tumen, D.; Zhao, J.; Liu, Y.-C.; Liu, J.-Y.; Mah, M.; Wang, K.; Zhang, Z.; Adamski, N.; Broomandkhoshbacht, N.; Callan, K.; Candilio, F.; Carlson, K. S. D.; Culleton, B. J.; Eccles, L.; Freilich, S.; Keating, D.; Lawson, A. M.; Mandl, K.; Michel, M.; Oppenheimer, J.; Özdoğan, K. T.; Stewardson, K.; Wen, S.; Yan, S.; Zalzala, F.; Chuang, R.; Huang, C.-J.; Looh, H.; Shiung, C.-C.; Nikitin, Y. G.; Tabarev, A. V.; Tishkin, A. A.; Lin, S.; Sun, Z.-Y.; Wu, X.-M.; Yang, T.-L.; Hu, X.; Chen, L.; Du, H.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Mijiddorj, E.; Erdenebaatar, D.; Iderkhangai, T.-O.; Myagmar, E.; Kanzawa-Kiriyama, H.; Nishino, M.; Shinoda, K.-i.; Shubina, O. A.; Guo, J.; Cai, W.; Deng, Q.; Kang, L.; Li, D.; Li, D.; Lin, R.; Shrestha, N. R.; Wang, L.-X.; Wei, L.; Xie, G.; Yao, H.; Zhang, M.; He, G.; Yang, X.; Hu, R.; Robbeets, M.; Schiffels, S.; Kennett, D. J.; Jin, L.; Li, H.; Krause, J.; Pinhasi, R.; Reich, D.: Genomic insights into the formation of human populations in East Asia. Nature 591 (7850), s41586-021-03336-2, S. 413 - 419 (2021)
Okazaki, K.; Takamuku, H.; Kawakubo, Y.; Hudson, M.; Chen, J.: Cranial morphometric analysis of early wet-rice farmers in the Yangtze River Delta of China. Anthropological science 129 (2), 210325 , S. 203 - 222 (2021)
Robbeets, M.; Wang, C.-C.: About millets and beans, words and genes. Evolutionary Human Sciences (2), e33 (2020)
Yu, H.; Spyrou, M. A.; Karapetian, M.; Shnaider, S.; Radzeviciute, R.; Nägele, K.; Neumann, G. U.; Penske, S. E.; Zech, J.; Lucas, M. et al.; LeRoux, P.; Roberts, P.; Pavlenok, G.; Buzhilova, A.; Posth, C.; Jeong, C.; Krause, J.: Paleolithic to Bronze Age Siberians reveal connections with first Americans and across Eurasia. Cell 181 (6), 2020.04.037, S. 1232 - 1245.e20 (2020)
Li, T.; Ning, C.; Zhushchikhovskaya, I. S.; Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.: Millet agriculture dispersed from Northeast China to the Russian Far East: integrating archaeology, genetics, and linguistics. Archaeological Research in Asia 22, 100177, S. 1 - 21 (2020)
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