Radio Interviews

“Tank oder Teller” (Tank or Plate?) - Festival on the future use of arable land
Fuel-forage-food. This is the common rule of three describing the conflict over the distribution of agricultural production: Fuel for machines, feed for animals, or food for people. Facing the social debate about ways out of the energy crisis, the Werkleitz Festival 2024 (Fuel or Food) aims to take a fresh look at this conflict. On Friday May 31 the festival and the respecitive exhibition was opened with quite some publicity at the center of Halle (Saale). MPI GEA researcher Dr. Benjamin Steininger is one of the co-curators of the exhibition and got interviewed by Deutschlandfunk-Kultur about "The nitrogen conspiracy.”

Image info: Themeninsel 2 Bilder der Landwirtschaft, Ausstellungsansicht Tank oder Teller © Werkleitz 2024, Foto: Falk Wenzel more
Der Mensch ist zu einer geologischen Kraft geworden
Deutschlandfunk Kultur interview with Jürgen Renn (audio in German) more
Anthropozän: Stecken wir schon in einem neuen Erdzeitalter?
SRF interview with Jürgen Renn on the beginnings of the Anthropocene (audio in German) more
Interview: Ostrich Eggshell Beads Reveal 50,000 Year-Old Social Network
Dr. Jennifer Miller and Dr. Yiming Wang discuss how their research into ostrich eggshell beads reveals symbolic behavior and social networks in the distant past more
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