Dr Giulia Riccomi, PhD

Research Associate
Department of Coevolution of Land Use and Urbanization

Main Focus

Dr. Giulia Riccomi is an osteoarchaeologist who studies ancient human skeletal remains within relevant archaeological contexts. She applies an integrated approach to the study of past human groups by bringing together osteology, palaeopathology, biochemical and biomolecular analyses to reconstruct lifeways, human health, susceptibility to disease and foodways.

Curriculum Vitae

Riccomi received a BA in History, an MSc in Archaeology with a major in osteoarchaeology and palaeopathology at the University of Pisa (Italy), and a post-graduate specialization course in ‘Bioarcheologia, Paleopatologia e Antropologia forense’ at the University of Bologna, Milano, and Pisa. In 2020, she completed her education with a PhD in Classical Studies and Archaeology at the University of Pisa, with a thesis entitled 'Life conditions between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in Tuscany (central Italy) through the analysis of skeletal and dental stress markers: a bioarchaeological approach’. This work, which was recently published as a monograph, focused on the application of bioarchaeology and stable isotope analysis to human and faunal remains from post-Classical archaeological sites to elucidate health conditions, sociocultural and economic dynamics of the varied communities living in the Mediterranean area during the 1st millennium AD.
As a postdoctoral research fellow of the Division of Paleopathology at the Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery (University of Pisa), Dr. Riccomi is committed to integrating biochemical and biomolecular methods within interdisciplinary research frameworks encompassing human palaeopathology, palaeodietary reconstruction and palaeomobility. Dr. Riccomi is also experienced in balancing research and teaching activities, and the training of Master students in human skeletal anatomy, osteoarchaeology, and palaeopathology in the context of university programmes and intensive international courses.

Dr. Riccomi has a number of international peer-reviewed publications focusing on the investigation of a variety of Italian archaeological contexts dated between the Iron age and the post-medieval period through bioarchaeology, palaeopathology, and stable isotope analysis.
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