Danielle Heberle Viegas, Dr.

Research Associate
Department of Coevolution of Land Use and Urbanization

Main Focus

Dr. Danielle Heberle Viegas is a Brazilian historian of cities and environment based in Germany whose research scope encompasses Latin America history and its global connectedness.  She is a Former-Volkswagen fellow and currently the Principal Investigator of the Gerda-Henkel-funded RESILIENT project at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology.

Curriculum Vitae

Danielle is fond of urban phenomena. Throughout her career, she has concentrated on multiple perspectives and timescales on this subject from a Master's degree focused on urban theory and local studies to a Ph.D. dedicated to unveiling transnational urban planning networks. She also has made contributions by publishing research on social memory and cultural heritage. 

She holds an MA degree in Ibero-American Studies from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (2011) and earned her Ph.D. from Freie Universität Berlin and PUCRS (2016), with a focus on Latin-American History. From 2016 to 2021, she held a professorship at Lasalle University, during which she supervised three Master’s theses and led a research project funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development/CNPq. 

Besides researching, Danielle is passionate about teaching. She has served as a Professor in both the History and Architecture and Urbanism Departments, where she has taught a variety of courses such as Contemporary History, 20th-century Brazilian History, and Urban Planning History. The outcomes of her research also have results on non-academic activities, including exhibitions, digital humanities initiatives, and reports on local and regional heritages.

From 2018 onwards, Danielle extended her involvement as a researcher and supervisor from the Graduate Program on Social Memory and Cultural Heritage to the Graduate Program on Environmental Impacts. She then shifted her research interests towards the intersection of urban and environmental humanities as well as studies about the Anthropocene from a Latin Amarican perspective. 

On this matter, she completed a postdoctoral research at Ludwig-Maximilians Universität (LMU München) from 2021 to 2022, by the means of the Volkswagen Foundation's special program "Corona Crisis and Beyond - Perspectives for Science, Scholarship, and Society." At the Munich Centre for Global History, Danielle became part of the Radical Utopian Communities project and conducted a project titled "Back to nature: COVID-19, utopia, and socio-spatial dynamics in Brazil”.

Recently, she has devoted full attention to her new spatial focus on the Amazon tropical forest. For this, she was honored with the Ernst-Herzog Scholarship from Erfurt University in 2023 to promote researching on Amazonian cartography, both at the Centre for Transcultural Studies and Perthes CollectionFurthermore, she has taken on the role of an Affiliated Researcher at the Social Studies Centre at Coimbra University, where she actively participates in the ECO Amazonia ERC-funded Project. Also in 2023, she became Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

At the Max-Planck Institute of Geoanthropology, Danielle coordinates the 3 year-funded project RESILIENT: Forest Cities: Utopia and Development in the Modern Amazon. RESILIENT forms part of a wider research focus of the isoTROPIC group and Department of Archaeology at MPI-GEA centered on human history in the tropics and the interplay between urbanism and different environmental and historical contexts.

Danielle is formally associated with the following networks: LASA - Latin American Studies Association, AHILA - Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos, BAYLAT - Bavarian Academic Center for Latin America, UEDXX Bauhaus Universität and MO Brazil - Metropolis Observatory Brazil, among others.

Publication (selected)


VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle (2021). Entre o passado e o futuro da cidade: um ensaio sobre a História Urbana no Sul do Brasil (Eng.: Between the past and the future of the city: an essay on Urban History in Southern Brazil). São Paulo, Jundiaí: Paco et Littera, v. 1. 237p .

Edited Books

VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle; SOARES, Paulo Roberto. R.CAMPOS, Heleniza A. (Org.). Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (1973-2023): história, território e gestão (Eng: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre (1973-2023): history, territory, and management). 1. ed. São Leopoldo: OIKOS, 2023. v. 1. 457p.

VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle; Santos, Rodrigo Luis dos (2021). Estudos étnicos e migrações: desafios contemporâneos no campo da cultura e da memória [Ethnic studies and migration: contemporary challenges in the field of culture and memory]. 1ed. Canoas: Editora Unilasalle.

Book Review

VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle. Paraíso perdido? A Amazônia como espaço de globalização política ou o que a história ambiental e global podem nos dizer a ditadura civil-militar brasileira (Lost Paradise? The Amazon as a space of political globalization, or what environmental and global history can tell us about the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship. Book review of: ACKER, Antoine. Volkswagen in the Amazon: the tragedy of global development in Modern Brazi. TOPOI (ONLINE): REVISTA DE HISTÓRIA, v. 24, p. 355-362, 2023.


VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle. Ajuda para auto-ajuda? Pressupostos e dimensões do Acordo de Cooperação Técnica entre Brasil e República Federal da Alemanha (1963). Revista Brasileira de História da Ciência (forthcoming, 2023)

VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle; KRAMM, Robert. A Plea for Radical History in Global Contexts. Esboços, v. 29, p. 11-20, 2022.

RELLY, Eduardo; VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle. Memoria ambiental: del sujeto mnemónico moderno al Antropoceno. Revista CS Colombia, v. 36, p. 21-50, 2022.

VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle. Planejando O Terceiro Mundo? Transnacionalidade e Circulação de Ideias em experiências de planejamento urbano (Brasil-Alemanha Federal, 1960-1970). Esboços, v. 28, P. 93-114, 2021.

VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle. Territory, dictatorship and development: historical perspectives reflecting regionalization programs in Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais, v. 22, p. 1-23, 2020.

VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle.; CHAGAS, W. S. . Memória e patrimônio cultural: espaços e práticas de difusão na contemporaneidade (Editorial, parte II). Revista Confluências Culturais, v. 8, p. 1-3, 2019.

VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle.. As cidades e as vozes: histórias de migração em espaços urbanos do Sul do Brasil na metade do século XX. ÁGORA (UNISC. ONLINE), v. 1, p. 16-25, 2018.


VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle .GRAEFF, L. . Regiões metropolitanas e patrimônio cultural: desenvolvimento socioeconômico, institucionalização e regionalização. Revista Memória em Rede, v. 9, p. 105-120, 2017.

VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle.; GONZALEZ, A. M. S. . Mundos do trabalho e suas memórias: o patrimônio industrial como possibilidade de reelaboração da memória social da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre. MOUSEION (UNILASALLE), v. 1, p. 55-69, 2017.

Book chapters

VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle; ROBERTS, Patrick; VIEIRA, Patrícia. Antropocities: Lost Cities and climate change in the 20th century Amazon (tentative). In: “Anthropocene as multiple crisis: Climate Change. Edited by: Eleonora Rohland (coord.), Virgina García Acosta, Anthony Goebel McDermott, Javier Taks. Bielefeld: Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies (CALAS).

VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle. The Quest for Tropical Nature: Utopia and Socio-Spatial Dynamics in Brazil during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Heike Steinhoff. (Org.). Epidemics and Othering: The Biopolitics of COVID-19 in Historical and Cultural Perspectives. 1ed. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2024, v. 14, p. 139-158.

VIEGAS, Danielle Heberle (2019). The city as a disease, the urbanism as a cure”: perspectives among health and urbanism in the establishment of a  Southern-Brazilian company-town. IN: Isaia, Artur; Priego, Natalia. (Org.). História, Ciência e Medicina: Teoria e Pesquisa. Coleção Projeto Liverpool: GT Historical Studies of Science, Technology and Medicine in Latin America (AHILA). 1 ed. Canoas: Unilasalle, p. 127-138.

You can access Dr. Viegas’ full CV here and publication here: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0644326639537624

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