Dr. Shuang Song

Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Coevolution of Land Use and Urbanization

Main Focus

Research Interests

My research primarily uses water as a link to study the interaction and co-evolution between human society and the natural environment. Based on my interdisciplinary background in Physical Geography and the Study of History, I currently focus on the long-term evolution of water management and its impact on human society in major river basins. I also examine how institutions can influence human-water interaction by changing human society's adaptation and resilience to environmental changes, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

Research Keywords:

social-ecological system; social-hydrology; agent-based model; historical geography; humanity geography; institutional analysis.

Working Projects

My research is highly interdisciplinary. I lead the COFLAB project at the Department of Co-evolution of Land Use and Urbanisation, MPI-GEA: Coupling Flood and Agent-based Models for Interpreting Millennia of River-Urbanism Interactions in the Yellow River Basin, China. I also participate in a project at the Department of Structural Changes of the Technosphere, MPI-GEA: Human Management of the Water Cycle in a Global Comparative Perspective. I have published over twenty papers in prominent journals, such as Water Resources Research, The Journal of Hydrology, Nature Sustainability, the Journal of Flood Risk Management, and Hydrology and Earth System Science.


My approach mainly involves modeling, simulation, and data analysis. I developed the open-source Agent-based Modeling framework for the real-world Socio-ecological systems simulation ABSESpy. I also lead the PaperBell Team, which provides researchers with the ultimate academic note-taking workflow. I am keen to explore the interface between science and art. Please find my latest travel blogs (in Chinese) here.

Curriculum Vitae

Professional experience

From 01. April. 2025: Postdoctoral Researcher,

Department of Co-evolution of Land Use and Urbanisation,

Department Structural Changes of the Technosphere,

Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology, Kahlaische Strasse 10, 07745 Jena.

Working on Hydrosphere and urbanism interaction project.

01. Oct. 2024 – 31. Dec. 2024: Visiting Guest Postdoctoral Scholar,

Department of Co-evolution of Land Use and Urbanisation,

Department Structural Changes of the Technosphere,

Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology, Kahlaische Strasse 10, 07745 Jena.

01. Jul. 2023 – 31. Mar. 2025: Postdoctoral Researcher,

Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, China.

Working on the Yellow River Basin project and ABSESpy project.


Ph.D. of Physical Geography, 2018-2023, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

Study of History (2nd Major), 2014-2018, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangdong, China.

B.S. of Physical Geography, 2014-2018, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangdong, China.

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